Thursday, April 8, 2010

Love to bake

There's something relaxing about baking; the delicious smells perhaps? Given the opportunity I think I would bake something everyday. Not so good for the waistline however!
I usually make the same things though - cheesecakes, banana bread, brownies, a cake from a box mix or cookies.
My goal here is to try new baking experiences. Not an easy thing to do with a 2 year old running underfoot, but something I'm willing to try. Hopefully I can try something new once a month. If things go well perhaps twice a month.
Check back for my escapades in the art of baking!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the wonderful Snickerdoodle recipe! It was sooo much better than the Martha Stewart one. I find baking so relaxing too...turn on the music and just bake away. But I definitely give you Kudos for being able to bake with a toddler running around..I can't even imagine. I'm excited to see more of your recipes, and thanks again!
